Presenters and facilitators will include representatives from at least the following organizations: Behind the Label, Global Exchange, New York Labor Religion Coalition, No More Sweatshops, Presbyterian Hunger Program, Presbyterian Church (USA), South Sound Clean Clothes Campaign, SweatFree Communities, United Students Against Sweatshops, UNITE HERE, and Worker Rights Consortium.
We are also inviting workers and union organizers who have been involved in labor struggles in Los Angeles, Honduras, and El Salvador.
SweatFree Communities promotes the collective bargaining power of both
workers in sweatshops and communities of consumers. We believe that
there is power in numbers, and that when we are united we can do more
than any one of us can alone.
Successful sweatfree purchasing campaigns depend on community organizing that brings people together and builds power for people on a local level to make decisions about how their taxes and consumer money should be spent. -- Michael Pugliese