Not me - that was Dwayne Monroe.
Which is precisely what my friend Tony said the other evening when his girlfriend found an inflatable pal, fashioned after a pr0nster, stuffed under their bed.
Yeah, that's Tony...always good for a non sequitur misdirect.
But back to the point at hand...
Yes it's true, I did indeed write that. But, to be as clear as language permits, I didn't mean that Slavoj IS a sleazy old chap but rather, that the usual disapproving sorts, so well represented on our tired, tired Earth would CALL him a sleazy old chap based solely on the visual record of the wedding.
And now, with the record futilely corrected ('cause right now, someone's thinking, even after reading-yet-not-reading zee correction, *how dare you call him a sleazy chap!?*), I bid you bon soir and adieu.