>And, in any case, the swapped letters are a pretty clever way to get
>the e-mail through any intervening spam filters ...
Nice explanation. So can you tell me what is the meaning of the message below? I should mention that knowware at mindlink.bc.ca is an address I had that expired around eight years ago after that ISP was bought by another. The link is to the archive of a listserv I subscribed to in the mid 1990s that contains some of my posts.So "Roxy Ortega" managed to track me down, presumably based on searching for "timework web" (my name returns 82,500 on google), but isn't able to find the website address of a forum sponsored by (allegedly) her/his own organization?
-----Original Message----- *From:* Roxy Ortega *Sent:* Tuesday, March 29, 2005 4:16 PM *To:* 'knowware at mindlink.bc.ca' *Subject:* CCCI's "The Millionaires Forum"
Mr. Tom Walker: Are you part of CCCI’s “The Millionaires Forum” organization? Please advise, if so, could you please provide me with the Forums website address?
/Thank you kindly./
//Serving in His Grace,//
//Roxy //
Roxy Ortega
/Development Administrator/
**The JESUS Film Project **
**A Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International (CCCI)**
910 Calle Negocio, Suite 300, San Clemente, CA 92673
Office: 949.361.7575 Ext. 6079 Fax: 949.361.7579
Email: roxy.ortega at JESUSfilm.org <mailto:roxy.ortega at JESUSfilm.org> www.ccci.org <http://www.ccci.org/> www.JESUSfilm.org <http://www.JESUSfilm.org>
//"...The just shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4 <http://bible.gospelcom.net/passage/?search=Habakkuk%202:4;&version=51;#en-NLT-22735>)." (Romans 1:17 <http://bible.gospelcom.net/passage/?search=Romans%201:16-17;&version=51;#en-NLT-27915>////) (Psalm 84:10 <http://bible.gospelcom.net/passage/?book_id=23&chapter=84&verse=10&version=50&context=verse>//**/) (/**//James 3:18 <http://bible.gospelcom.net/passage/?book_id=66&chapter=3&verse=18&version=51&context=verse>//**)**