[lbo-talk] Re: alt-porn & explicit content

Michael Dawson MDawson at pdx.edu
Thu May 5 12:38:06 PDT 2005

> > 4. Isn't sex work always peachy keen for OTHER PEOPLE? Being bossed
> into
> > flipping burgers or packing window shades sucks. Being bossed into
> sucking
> > or fucking people I don't know and/or who repel me is many, many times
> > worse.
> Well, many people who are prostitutes, facing the same choices,
> came to the opposite decision: the McJob at poverty wages is many,
> many times worse than sex work. Should they be excoriated because
> they don't share your values about sex?
> Miles

Are you proving my point here? Would you ever seriously become a sex working-class prostitute on the street? I severely doubt it, despite your joke about execs.

As Doug says, we're miles away from testing who'd choose sex work if it were a truly humane and free choice. I don't foreclose that option now or ever. But it's this kind of talk about "values" that helps keep us in the political ghetto. Who the hell wants to tell or hear that all prostitutes are just Joe and Jill Sixpacks like the rest of us?

BTW, what percentage of even glamorous porn stars are doped up? What's their life expectancy? On-the-job safety level? How many end up sorry they did it? Again, I'd bet it's off the charts, up their with the timber industry, or past...

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