> http://www.leftcurve.org/LC29WebPages/Chomsky.html
>> ...Given the viciousness and the consistency with which Chomsky has
> been attacked by his critics on the "right," one ventures cautiously
> when challenging him from the "left." To expose serious errors in
> Chomsky's analysis and recording of history is to court almost certain
> opprobrium from those who might even agree with the nature of the
> criticism but who have become so protective of his reputation over the
> years, often through personal friendships, that have they not only
> failed to publicly challenge substantial errors of both fact and
> interpretation on his part, they have dismissed attempts by others to
> do so as "personal" vendettas.
This is a joke, right?
I like leftcurve, but honestly, the people at leftcurve aren't even fit to lick Noam Chomsky's shoes, no less critique him.
They need publicity, don't they?