[lbo-talk] Soviet Union had plans for first use of N-weapons in Europe

Michael Pugliese michael.098762001 at gmail.com
Tue May 17 11:34:46 PDT 2005

On 5/17/05, Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> wrote:
> Michael Pugliese wrote:
> >the ghost of Max Shactmam, heh, is shouting in my
> >ear
> I'm not surprised. Several things lead me to greet this news with a
> hybrid of indifference and irritation: 1) what's the point of
> bringing this up now?, 2) who knows if it's true?, and 3) I think the
> world is, on balance, worse off for the demise of the USSR. I
> imagine you have different positions on all three counts.
> Doug

1) The point? I saw on none of the left or liberal blogs or listservs note of this. Every other National Security Archive press release on a new book of theirs has and does. And the left and liberal bloggers on Dubya and Yalta http://www.reason.com/hitandrun/2005/05/yalta_once_more.shtml were quite reminescent of reading the worst of the fellow travelling BS from say a Louis Fischer in The Nation in the 30's, which I have. He woke up in '39 though. 2) Who knows if it true? Did you even look at the dozens of docs? 3) Yes, the world is worse after the demise of the USSR, we do agree on that. It was better to have a counterweight to the US Empire, (on purely realist grounds, balance of power realpoiltik and all ) but, the USSR and FSLN did give major assistance to the FMLN, (denied by James Petras, "A White Paper on the White Paper, " The Nation, early 80's, but, all these societies and movements they did aid turned out to be replicas of the same crap, non-capitalist but class societies nonetheless w/o any real organs of working class or peasant power.

-- Michael Pugliese

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