[lbo-talk] Galloway and Gandall

Dwayne Monroe idoru345 at yahoo.com
Fri May 27 14:50:51 PDT 2005

Let's cut to the chase Luke...

Nitpicking about Galloway is really an aimless pastime, like blowing dandelion petals into the wind but not as much fun.

He caught everyone's attention because he didn't play nice with people who don't really deserve to be treated with delicacy. He called them assholes, in so many words. They are assholes. It's quite straightforward really.

That's the beginning, middle and end of it. No sensible person is going any further with what might be called the 'Galloway Moment'.

And regarding resistance in Iraq...

We are very well past the time when discussions of supporting or not supporting armed resistance in Iraq makes even a nanometer of sense (and did you really compare the citizens of a defeated Imperial Japan to Iraqis? As Niels Bohr once said, that's so wrong it's not even wrong).

In the past, you've made it plain you didn't object -- in theory -- to an invasion of Iraq because Saddam was a tyrant seeking nuclear weapons and **something had to be done** lest oilmageddon come about. This belief very obviously colors all of your responses to events in that country. You would have preferred the operation be done correctly and efficiently as if such a thing was possible given the proven behavior patterns and incapabilities of Washington in the 'helping benighted peoples' role.

You've also stated your belief that if it weren't for violent resistance, reconstruction would be moving forward. This shows your faith in firms like Haliburton to do a good job if only given a chance.

Another factor shaping your interpretation of events in Iraq.

I'm sure you're an OK guy, but I detect, just below the surface of nearly everything you have to say about these issues, a faith in systems (such as the lovely one we enjoy so much it must be imposed on others) to function as advertised.

This, I suspect, is what leads to go-nowhere abstractions like comparisons of Pacific War era Japan, a powerful nation that launched an immensely costly war of aggression, to Iraq, a beaten down shell of its former self illegally invaded for no justifiable reason.

This also leads, I think, to your persistent (and quite striking) tendency to ignore the cause and effect relationship between the way Iraqis are actually treated by their military-corporate liberators and the violence that has erupted in response. Do you remember how Fallujah became a center of resistance? There was the little matter of 15 or so unarmed people being shot dead by Marines on the grounds of a school.

The response was predictable.

There's an ephemeral, disconnected quality to your comments on this matter -- more like a debating team exercise than a discussion of life and death issues.


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