On Sun, 29 May 2005, Doug Henwood wrote:
[In response to Carroll, who wrote:]
>> It applies just as well to William Clinton, JF Kerry, the elder Bush,
>> Carter, etc. Most U.S. presidents. That it first appeared in reference to
>> Hillary
It didn't BTW. It first appeared in reference to Bill Clinton. This is such an old joke about him that it's become rightwing boiler plate. Google "Bill Clinton" and "walking eagle" and you'll get 390 hits.
>> seems to reflect a misognynystic reaction to an uppity woman
>> rather than a response to her vile politics.
> No, I think it's because of the illusion, sustained by liberals and
> feminists and promoted by conservatives, that she's far more liberal than
> she really is.
Isn't the same true of her husband? Their political principles, policies and instincts are virtually identical. Everyone -- including the left, who hated her husband as an archconservative too at this stage in his career -- seems to have taken up exactly the same distribution of opinions around her as they did around him.