They spent a lot of time trying to act verbally macho. Their pseudonyms sound like something out of pro wrestling: "Ladies and gentlemen, today's match features Joseph "the Man of Steel" Djugashvili versus Lev "Rockman" Kamenev and Molotov "the Hammer"! Get ready to ruuuuumble!"
My favorite is what Stalin said to one of his sons, Vasily I think (the alcoholic one), when the latter tried unsuccessfully to shoot himself:
"HA! You missed!"
--- Mark Bennett <mab at> wrote:
> And who knew the Bolshies were such witty fellows,
> or at least said to
> be such witty fellows. In addition to "four walls.
> . . " I just read
> this bit attributed to Trotsky: when asked what one
> should do with
> fascists, "Acquaint them with the pavement" It must
> have been one bon
> mot after another when the lads were relaxing
> together after a hard day
> smashing the counter-revolution.
> ___________________________________
Nu, zayats, pogodi!
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