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Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Nov 3 11:27:04 PST 2005

Justin wrote:

> I suppose what people might find objectionable about a male
> preference for apparently fertile women is that it might lead to
> prejudice in choosing mates against older women and also involves
> or suggests a relative lack of interest in other qualities that we
> think should matter more than physical appearance, such as
> intelligence, decency, niceness -- moral and psychological
> qualities we'd value in anyone regardless of sex.

Has there been any period in history when a majority of men had the power to select their partners for sexual and procreative purposes? For the longest time in history, a majority of societies vested that power in parents. After the sexual revolution, that power got transfered from parents to women (and a few super-rich men). Most working-class men (excepting a few pretty boys) are out of luck -- they feel lucky if they get chosen by some women -- _any_ women -- and get laid at all, whereas lusty ladies of any class have no problem getting laid if they so desire -- but most of the time, women have better things to do. :->

Yoshie Furuhashi <> <> <> * Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: < ahmadinejads-face.html>; < congratulates-ahmadinejad.html>; < 2005/06/iranian-working-class-rejects.html>

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