it's not been my experience that this s.e. is better than google. i always find what i'm looking for with google, only about 1/2 the time with the other search technology. you own stock in it or sumpin' :)
you're the one who klewed me to google way back when it'd just been birthed. why not use google's technology for the archives?
p.s. I know why I don't want to write for a living. On demand writing. Joy! Bitch How Tuesday and I don't have anything to How-To about. Not that's funny or useful or anything. The only thing that's coming to my flu-laden mind is "How to reuse your coffee filters and save 2.52 a year!"
Any suggestions? send' em on. heh.
Bitch | Lab http://blog.pulpculture.org Blogging: where 2 a.m. pissed off, unedited, unstructured rants are "analysis". I'm such a bitch.