> Now, speaking publicly for the first time about the behind-the-scenes
> details of their campaign - one of the most expensive in New York City
> history - Mr. Bloomberg's aides have explained the mystery: rather than
> trying to read the tea leaves of public records to figure out voters'
> tastes and leanings, they had the money to simply call and ask about
> them directly. They called hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers in what
> top strategists in both the Republican and Democratic Parties said was
> one of the most ambitious pollings of an electorate ever undertaken.
> They stored the answers in a vast computerized database to develop
> sophisticated psychological portraits of city voters - identifying eight
> never-before-identified voting blocs based on people's shared everyday
> interests and concerns, not on their broader racial, cultural or
> ideological differences, aides said in interviews in the last few days.
It sounds like somebody needs to write "What's the matter with New York City?"
At least you have one thing, Big Corporate Brother Mayor, that has me happy that I'm living in Kansas.
It's snowing right now and I need to mow the yards...