[lbo-talk] Bloomberg's demographic profiling

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Tue Nov 15 11:25:35 PST 2005

Carl Remick wrote:

>>From: Chuck0 <chuck at mutualaid.org>
>>It sounds like somebody needs to write "What's the matter with New
>>York City?"
>I think they should rename NYC "Bloomburg" and be done with it. NYC
>has become as much a bland simulacrum of its former self as the New
>York-New York Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The *real* NYC would
>never have jumped up and down wagging its tail this way just because
>it got a pat on the head from a billionaire.

Yeah, but you live on Long Island. I didn't vote for Bloomberg - I voted SWP, in fact - but for people who live here, it's no small accomplishment that the city government is competent and honest. Bloomberg didn't cut the budget when he first took office, despite severe fiscal problems. People are not popping each other in the street. And the toxic racial hostility of the Dinkins and Giuliani years are largely gone. It's no surprise that a dismal candidate like Ferrer couldn't mount a plausible campaign.


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