According to the most recent American time use survey results ("American Time Use Survey -- 2004 Results Announced by BLS," September 20, 2005, <>), men spend 0.30 hour, and women 0.42 hour, per weekday (and men spend 0.37 hour and women 0.49 hour per weekend) on reading in the United States. That's about 2.24 hours per week for men and 3.06 hours per week for women.
If an average male American worker and an average female American worker devoted all their reading time to reading nothing but Capital -- a tough regimen! -- it would take the male worker about 17 weeks and the female worker 12 weeks to finish reading the three volumes of it.
If Capital is on few American workers' reading list, the chief reason may be its length rather than difficulty, or rather American workers' inability to win leisure.
Yoshie Furuhashi <> <> <>