1. I took my old Kenwood solid state amp to the doctor and they revived it and assured me it worked.
2. I also bought a used graphic equalizer.
3. Brought everything home; took my current modern amp out and put my Kenwood and graphic equalizer in.
4. Amazingly enough I did manage to plug everything back together right: record player, CD player, tape player, amp, and graphic equalizer......except for one thing
---when I play a record only one of the speakers emits sound.
---when I play a CD or the tape deck only the other speaker emits sound.
....so both speakers work, just not at the same time.
The phonograph is plugged directly in the amp. The tape deck and CD player are plugged into the graphic equalizer which is plugged into the amp. I do get sound from everything...just not both speakers.
I am totally stumped. Any ideas?