Michael Pugliese michael.098762001 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 14:44:38 PST 2005

"Devils Game, " by Dreyfuss which I justn cited, blurbed by Sy Hersh and Chalmers Johnson. Very fluid narrative, tons of interviews with U.S. diplomats who interfaced with the Muslim Brotherhood and lots of digging in archives too. A fine read so far.

A thread on it, http://www.tpmcafe.com/story/2005/11/18/113457/82 The Devil's Game: As Applied to the United States, Israel, and Iran

By Robert Dreyfuss

From: TPMCafe Book Club Readers of Devil's Game will learn some important background about how the United States (and specifically its neoconservatives) climbed into bed with the Shiite fundamentalists running Iraq today.

Did you know that from 1979 until 1988, during the Iran-Iraq war, that agents of Israel's military and intelligence services met regularly with Iranian officials in Switzerland to supply Ayatollah Khomeini with advanced weaponry? And that they did so even while Iran held U.S. diplomats hostage?

Nov 18, 2005 -- 12:46:32 PM EST Did you know that when a leading Russian KGB official defected to the United States and Great Britain in the early 1980s, the CIA and MI-6 used his secret information to cooperate with Khomeini's secret service to hunt down alleged communists in Iran?

Did you know that during the supposed "tilt" by the United States in favor of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, leading neoconservative officials in the Reagan administration pushed hard for a tilt in the other direction? In favor or Iran? And that this is precisely what led to Iran-contra, long before it became public knowledge that Reagan sent arms to Khomeini?

It was during this period that Khomeini's intellience service created SCIRI, the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the fascists that were just accused of running torture prisons in Iraq. SCIRI has been a known quantity for the United States for years, and it is no accident that we supported their role in toppling Saddam in 2003. Khomeini created SCIRI in 1982, and in the 1990s they were part of Chalabi's INC coalition.

The fact that SCIRI does not denounce the United States or kill our troops does not make them "pro-American" or worthy of U.S. support. Certainly it is not worth a single more American soldier's life to keep SCIRI and its ilk in power in Baghdad.

That's the real lesson of Devil's Game. The Devil's Game: As Applied to the United States, Israel, and Iran | 57 comments (57 topical, editorial, 0 hidden) The Dreyfus(s) Affair (4.00 / 1) (#34) by Purple State on Nov 18, 2005 -- 09:56:38 PM EST As charges fly back and forth about anti-Semitism and Zionist extremism in response to Dreyfuss's posts, does anyone else get a kick out of the strange coincidence of last names?

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