Heh. Masculinist, Me? Snort, guffaw. I'm about the limpest wrist queer in these parts. I did have a macho macho, man http://www.lyrics007.com/Village%20People%20Lyrics/Macho%20Man%20Lyrics.html "leather man" boyfriend once but, when he used some of those sex toys Brian here loves, I ran screaming in terror.
Amd, yes, M-Ls who whine about, "red-baiting, " (not cold war liberal/neo-con or McCarthyites but libertarian left crits ala Luxemburg or anything here, http://www.geocities.com/~johngray/ , "for communism, " website) at left crits of Communism, whether Maoist, Trotskyist or Stalinist, are whining. Leninists have always been full of vicious polemics vs. other socialists, give some of your medicine back, get called, "red-baiter." Like Nathan says a way to shut off debate. And avoid answering critiques ala Victor Serge, Luxemburg, Mattick, etc.
-- Michael Pugliese