[lbo-talk] pinko cleanser, gore, heroes, and good subjects at fast food joints

info at pulpculture.org info at pulpculture.org
Mon Nov 28 09:20:35 PST 2005

Gossip about a Gore run for 2008. Ugh. Well, I guess it'll be entertaining.

Also, a wild story about a serial-i-dont-know-what-to-call-it-crime that happened at fast food rest. in small towns. i'm not surprised that it happened, just that anyone is so obsessed that they get off on this. wild.

Also, is this Pinko cleanser from the 60/70s or is it a new funny har-har circulating? http://blog.pulpculture.org/2005/11/27/pinko-cleanser/

GOOD SUBJECTS AT FASTFOOD JOINTS WORK ALRIGHT BY THEMSELVES http://blog.pulpculture.org/2005/11/28/good-subjects-at-fastfood-joints-work-alright-by-themselves/

Is there just a perverse sociologist out there, social engineering the staff at fastfood joints? I jest. I jest. Seriously though, one of the quotes in the Rotating Bitch is from Louis Althusser: "The bad subjects on occassion provoke the intervention of the repressive state apparatus. But the vast majority of good subjects work alright all by themselves."

Oh, and another, do you think it's weird not to have heroes or people you admire? I don't. I admire lots of people, they're just not on pedestals, and they're not necess. famous. Someone ask ed the question at another list, wondering if he was unusual. I don't think he is. At the same time, there's this "which hero are most like quiz" circulating. (The quiz thing and blogs is hilarious, our way of constantly comparing ourselves to one anoother, eh? http://blog.pulpculture.org/2005/11/28/admiration/ MAXIMUS GLUTEUS: Which hero are you most like . A great way to blow time at work.


IT'S GORE TIME? http://blog.pulpculture.org/2005/11/28/its-gore-time/ Gossip that Gore might run? Eeeeek! But, kinda entertaining, actually. It'll be another fun season in LimpDick.

Bitch | Lab http://blog.pulpculture.org

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