> According to a comprehensive study of all enlistees for the years
> 1998-99 and 2003 that The Heritage Foundation just released, the
> typical recruit in the all-volunteer force is wealthier, more
> educated and more rural than the average 18- to 24-year-old citizen
> is. Indeed, for every two recruits coming from the poorest
> neighborhoods, there are three recruits coming from the richest
> neighborhoods.
I think I read the original stats back when this study started circulating as a reference in other punditry. IIRC their study found that 85% of recruits come from households with incomes ranging from $30,000 to $200,000. IOW, >= $30,000 is "wealthy".
Such a range is silly, as people whose household earns $30,000 have as little in common with the $200,000 household as they do the Queen of England. Not even remotely comparable financial issues.
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In small proportions we just beauties see, And in short measures life may perfect be.
-Ben Jonson