[lbo-talk] The next best thing to burning coal

Leigh Meyers leighcmeyers at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 10:14:51 PDT 2005

Listen, carbon based life-forms!

Yeah.... you!

You are compulsively consumung all the earthborne carbon and spitting it into the atmosphere that we all depend on to survive.

You are poisoning us all. Murderers.

Tell me you'll make it "cleaner". Liar.

Your greed won't allow it.

Tell me you need it, and I'll tell you about your death trip.

Sunday, October 2, 2005 Oil-price surge prompts new look at shale

PARACHUTE, Colo. (AP) - The brush-covered landscape of buttes and desert just west of the Rockies, already dotted with oil and gas rigs, could be in store for another resource boom as the energy industry turns a fresh eye toward developing oil shale. A reserve estimated at nearly 1 trillion barrels of oil buried deep in rock formations stretching from western Colorado into northeastern Utah and southwestern Wyoming may be a way to ease U.S. dependence on shrinking foreign oil supplies. The newly enacted energy bill was written to help open the way for research programs and commercial leasing of federal land containing oil shale. http://www.sacbee.com/24hour/nation/story/2771380p-11382340c.html

Leigh www.leighm.net

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