[lbo-talk] Middle Class

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Thu Oct 6 13:22:26 PDT 2005

turbulo at aol.com wrote:

>I know the social democratic mind has a hard time digesting this,
>but history has known sudden leaps--both in society--revolutions,
>they are called--and the necessary leaps in consciousness
>that accompany them.

Really? Do tell. I've never heard of these revolution thingys before.

> Maybe it's been so long sinch such an event has taken place that we
>tend to forget they ever happened. But progress will never happen
>unless large numbers of people disabuse themselves of backward
>ideas. And the notion that they are middle class is one of the most
>backward and paralysing ideas American workers are beset with. It is
>embedded in many other reactionary notions--that money and social
>status are an indications of personal worth, and that the social
>hierarchy is therefore legitimate, for instance. But it is also
>deeply implicated in notions of race. White poor people think
>they're midddle class because they're not part of the underclass,
>which happens to be guess what.There is nothing to be gained by
>capitulating to backwa! rd consciousness.

Sorry to repeat myself after just six months, but... When I was in Italy in 1976, I heard a story from a guy who said he'd been bicycling on Sardinia and rode past a mental hospital. On the hospital grounds, a female patient was tied to a tree, and three shrinks in white coats were slapping her, saying, "You're *not* the Virgin Mary!" Ever since, I've been tempted to recommend a trip to Sardinia for certain neurotics I know. But now I learn that that's the sound revolutionary treatment for deluded workers. Slap 'em around and insist "You *are* working class!"


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