[lbo-talk] Shakespeare, Coke, Bacon, Egerton

joanna 123hop at comcast.net
Wed Oct 12 08:56:35 PDT 2005

Mark Bennett wrote:

>Well, there really isn't an abundance of scholarly work questioning
>Shakespeare's authorship. Most of the "controversy" is the result the
>speculations by amateurs and enthusiasts: some of it ingenious, to be
>sure, but much of it crazed.
Here, here! The Bacon conjectures were particularly irksome since Bacon had not an ounce of insight or imagination and could as well have written King Lear as I could. But all the conjectures were odious, especially since most were based on the assumption that a man of humble origins could not have produced this great body of literature. The case to be proved is rather the opposite since the only genius aristocrat I can think of is Tolstoy and the seventeenth century was littered with great men of humble origins: Ben Johnson and John Donne to name just two.


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