Tularemia is a natural bioorganism found in the environment. Lots of people kicking up dust on the Mall, the organisms float around. --Jason Sigger - chem-bio specialist
On Sept. 24, 2005, tens of thousands of protesters marched past the White House and flooded the National Mall near 17th Street and Constitution Avenue...
Unknown to the crowd, biological-weapons sensors, scattered for miles across Washington by the Department of Homeland Security... sucked in trace amounts of deadly bacteria called Francisella tularensis. The government fears it is one of six biological weapons most likely to be used against the United States...
The DHS scrambled... on Sept. 30 -- six days after the deadly pathogens set off the sensors and well into the incubation period for tularemia -- alerted public health officials across the country to be on the lookout for tularemia, the deadly disease caused by F. tularensis...
Leigh www.leighm.net
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