[lbo-talk] Christian edition of the Jerusalem Post

Seth Kulick skulick at linc.cis.upenn.edu
Thu Oct 20 11:09:51 PDT 2005



Christian leanings at the Jerusalem Post

Chris McGreal

Thursday October 20, 2005

The Guardian

The strange and uneasy embrace between the Jewish state and America's

evangelical right is being tightened. At the beginning of next year

Israel's oldest English-language paper, the Jerusalem Post, is to

launch a Christian edition. The Post, a widely respected paper until

it fell into former owner Conrad Black's clutches, is seeking to

bolster its North American circulation by building on the blossoming

relationship between the Israeli right and Christian fundamentalists.


The paper is getting together with the International Christian Embassy

(ICE) in Jerusalem - an organisation that says it exists to "comfort

Zion" and "declare the purpose of God to the Jewish people" - to

publish a monthly Christian edition from January principally aimed at

American fundamentalists.


The Israeli government has good reason to be pleased. The ICE today

launches a campaign against the growing support within the

Presbyterian and other churches to divest from Israel in protest at

the occupation. A couple of years ago, the vice president of the World

Jewish Congress, Isi Leible, pondered the meaning of the newfound

relationship between Israel and the American religious right in an

article for the Jerusalem Post. He said many Israelis would have been

appalled at ties with people regarded as "anti-Semites obsessed with a

fanatical urge to convert us".

Politics has overcome - as has the Post's dire financial situation.

But Leible concluded it is better that some things remain undiscussed.

"Their [the evangelists'] support for Israel is based upon the belief

that the Jews must be sovereign in their land as a precursor to the

Second Coming. These and other theological issues should never be


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