Andy English aenglish at igc.org
Fri Oct 21 18:07:07 PDT 2005

>Very little was done to oppose
> ANSWER and as a consequence the American anti-war movement has been a
> complete non-factor for the past three years.

I think that is only if you equate antiwar movement = mass demonstrations in DC.

There are local non-ANSWER groups that do other things, which are arguably equally or more effective.

Polls show that the majority are now pro-withdrawal of troops. But, I don't think demonstrations have had any role in changing public views, one way or the other. It has more to do with the unending US casaulties and the slowly dawning realization that the whole adventure has been a clusterfuck. The only winner is Iran.

The problem is that until the GOP suffers some electoral consequences they could care less. (Marches have almost no impact on them.)

Which is probably why we will see some movement toward getting out of Iraq late next year, in time for the Nov. elections.

-Andy English

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