[lbo-talk] meanwhile back in the neolib motherland...

ravi listmail at kreise.org
Tue Oct 25 20:18:39 PDT 2005

Apologies for forwarding of the negative stuff... but it says "BBC's Rajesh Khanna" reported this one... that's a brown guy I think, unlike Alex Cockburn. So I figured WTH...


India court acquits 108 over riot

The attack on the train in Godhra sparked widespread violence More than 100 people have been acquitted over the killing of two Muslims during religious violence in the Indian state of Gujarat in 2002.

The two Muslims were killed in their house during a mob attack, despite a police presence.

Violence broke out after an attack, allegedly by a Muslim mob, on a train carrying Hindu pilgrims in Godhra town. Some 60 Hindu passengers died.

More than 1,000 people, mainly Muslims, died in the rioting that ensued.

The two Muslims were accompanied by police officials when they returned to collect belongings from one of their homes, which had earlier been burnt down, in March 2002.

They were killed by a mob who attacked the premises.

Widespread criticism

Some 113 people were accused of carrying out the attack, although only 108 people were arrested in connection with it.

The 108 people were acquitted by the court in Baroda for lack of evidence.

Lawyers who went through the judgement say the court has indicted the police for not being able to prevent the killings and for subsequent lapses in investigation, the BBC's Rajeev Khanna reports from Ahmedabad.

The attack on the Sabarmati Express, which was carrying Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya, in February 2002, sparked some of the worst religious riots seen in India since partition.

The BJP state government in Gujarat received widespread criticism for the manner in which the situation was handled.

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