Just added to my radio archive <http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/Radio.html>:
September 1, 2005 Heather Boushey on the latest Census numbers on income and poverty in 2004 (not so good), and the fate of women in the current economy (not so good either) * Tom Athanasiou, co-author of Dead Heat and a principal of EcoEquity, on Hurricane Katrina, climate change, and class
August 25, 2005 Seth Kleinman on the oil market * Jennifer Gordon, author of Suburban Sweatshops, on organizing immigrant workers on Long Island (rebroadcast of March 17, 2005, interview)
they join ---------
August 18, 2005 Barbara Ehrenreich on the state of organized labor * Iain Boal, one of the posse known as Retort that wrote Afflicted Powers: Capital & Spectacle in a New Age of War, on Iraq, 9/11, and the imperial conjuncture
August 11, 2005 David Roediger, author of the classic Wages of Whiteness discusses his latest, Working Towards Whiteness, the story of the whitening of "new immigrants" of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
August 4, 2005 Periel Aschenbrand, proprietor of BodyAsBillboard.com and author of The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own, on fashion, advertising, sex * Michael Yates, author of Why Unions Matter and associate editor of Monthly Review, on MR, MR's new webzine, and his post-retirement travels across the USA
July 28 2005 Chip Berlet of Politlcal Research Associates on 9/11 conspiracy theories, and conspiracism in general.
July 14, 2005 Gary Indiana, author of Schwarzenegger Syndrome, on the strangeness that is Arnie * Susan Willis, author of Portents of the Real, on the cultural politics of post-9/11 America
and ---
Michael Eric Dyson on black class tensions * Chalmers Johnson on the U.S. empire * Jagdish Bhatwati on globalization * Bill Fletcher on war and peace * Slavoj Zizek on war, imperialism, and fantasy * Naomi Klein on Argentina and the global justice movement * Susie Bright on sex and politics * Matt Taibbi on covering the 2004 campaign, and the dismal state of American politics and media * Anatol Lieven on Iraq, Chechnya, US nationalism * Cynthia Enloe on masculinity in the Bush administration (and oil) * Joel Kovel, editor of Capitalism Nature Socialism, on the psychology and politics of Israel and Zionism * Laura Carlsen on the Zapatistas * Carlos Mejia, deserter from Iraq, on war, imperialism, dissent * Laura Flanders on Bushwomen * Steve Fraser on the cultural/political history of Wall Street * Jennifer Washburn on the corporate university * $pread magazine staffers on sex work * Norman Kelley on the crisis in black politics * Joseph Stiglitz on the IMF and the Wall St-Treasury axis * Nicola Kraus & Emma McLaughlin, authors of Citizen Girl and The Nanny Diaries, on gender, work, and the satiric novel * Jennifer Gordon on suburban sweatshops * Lisa Jervis on feminism & pop culture * Joel Schalit on anti-Semitism * Devah Pager on prison, race, and the job market * Robert Fatton on Haiti * Elizabeth Warren on bankruptcy * Gary Younge on a foreign journalist's view of the U.S. * Simon Head on Wal-Mart * Ursula Huws on work and why capitalism has avoided crisis * Michael Albert on participatory economics (parecon) * Marta Russell on the UN conference on disability * Sara Roy on the Palestinian economy * Michael Hardt on Empire (several times)
Doug Henwood Left Business Observer 38 Greene St - 4th fl. New York NY 10013-2505 USA voice +1-212-219-0010 fax +1-212-219-0098 cell +1-917-865-2813 email <mailto:dhenwood at panix.com> web <http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com>