[lbo-talk] Creativity and Thuggishness

Charles Brown cbrown at michiganlegal.org
Fri Sep 2 13:53:42 PDT 2005

> > Creativity and thuggishness are not
> > "contradictories" , are they ?

andie nachgeborenen replied:

My point exactly. But most of the high class talent fled the Nazis, Schmitt, Heidegger, and (more ambiguously) Riefenstahl and Heisenberg being exceptions. Apparently even Junger found them to thuggish.

^^^ CB: When you said " unfortunately for the creative fascists, the thug ones stole the name " there was a mild implication that the creative fascists weren't thuggish and the thuggish fascists weren't creative.

Doesn't romanticism part of the core of fascist "ideals" ?

The sticky wicket of this thread is that "creativity" , something we think of as a virtue in the abstract seems to be as easily associated with bad politics as with good. "Art" , whatever that is, is not uniformly something that enhances our lives, although most intellectuals seem to have a pro-art reflex.


Andie: What do you have against Alexander (the Great, of Macedon, I figure you mean him)

^^^^ CB: That he was a conquerer. He seems to be legendary role model for Western conquerers, the tradition with which the fascists identify. He seems a sort of symbolic originator of conquest as an ideal for the West.


He was unusually humane for his age, would only kill the men and enslave the women and children (the normal thing with warfare in the ancient world) if you resisted; if you surrendered he'd basically be nice;

^^^ CB; Why was he even there at all ? It's somebody else's place. It's just gratuitous bullying ,machoism.

He seems the original: " join Alexander; see the world: meet new and interesting people; kill them. " If you surrendered peacefully, he wouldn't have you killed. Wow, that's really "great" of him.

His whole project seems wickedly great, to coin a phrase.

He's an emblem from the era of the origin of war, slavery, the male supremacist family, private property and the state.


he never asserted any sort of Macedonian "racial," ethnic, national, or whatever inherent supremacy (as opposed to political rule) over the peoples he conquered -- in fact was criticized by Macedonians and Greeks for Persianizing too much. He wasn't mad or especially cruel;

^^^^^ CB: He killed his best friend in a fight while drunk, no ?


he was ruthless with subordinates who were. He was no proto-fascist, although he did replace Greek democracies with oligarchies. As wold conquerors go, Alexander is near the best of the lot.

^^^^^ CB: As primo conqueror, I'd say he is the proto-type for fascists.

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