"on reflection" (was [lbo-talk] Chavez to Speak in NYC's Riverside Church on Sep. 16th)

John Lacny jlacny at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 10 11:26:36 PDT 2005

Michael Pugliese writes:

> I'd also think that on reflection Sheehan doesn't confuse
> reactionary Islamists w/ left anti-imperialists like Stewart.

Michael, my problem with your comments here, and the reason I occasionally get annoyed with you (well, aside from the fact that your posts are usually so bloody hard to read, when it should be no difficult task to change them from your usual stream-of-consciousness style to something intelligible) is that you very rarely write anything "on reflection." You're always posting something about a rumor you heard that someone somewhere had their picture linked by a neo-Nazi website that only you read, or something of that nature. Thousands of people are dead because of the actions of this government in Iraq and Louisiana, and you still can't resist bringing up the Moscow Trials in the most absurd and irrelevant contexts. Worse, you join in the bandwagon smearing Cindy Sheehan because (surprise, surprise) she's not a polished political thinker, when it has been #1 on the agenda of the enemy for weeks to do precisely that. I can't imagine I'm the only person here who finds this annoying. A further example:

> Ever read any copies of The New Masses, John? Where
> John Dewey was called a Fascist in 1939 or Chester
> Himes the same in 1947.

I have not read any copies of The New Masses. It was, as it were, before my time. Nor do I even remember who Chester Himes is, frankly. I do not know and do not care about any of this shit. And if you think it has anything to do with what's going on in the world right now, you are deranged. So please stop.

- - - - - - - - - - John Lacny http://www.johnlacny.com

Tell no lies, claim no easy victories

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