Dennis Perrin wrote:
> There have been/are so many comics that it's impossible to say. You
> don't have to be tortured to be a good, or even great comic, but in my
> experience, it seems to help. Wanting to make strangers laugh is a
> weird compulsion, though there are those who care little for the
> audience and wish only to impress a select few (some of The Simpsons'
> writers fit this description). For most it's a form of seeking
> acceptance, and I've seen comics so desperate for acclaim that,
> onstage, they turn their personal lives into an unflushed toilet: "I'm
> much worse than you! My life's a fucking freak show! Laugh at me!"
That's partly what the latest film, "The Aristocrasts," is about. I recommend it. But don't take the kids or the faint of heart.