Oh and some stuff about the city being cleaned up, garbage being taken away. This is what, I believe, is running at the top of the hour on whatever show Keith Olberman is hosting tonight, Sunday.
The story: wowee. things are getting back to normal.
Olberman later interviews a reporter on the ground. My jaw drops.
Did I actually just see another revolt quietly fly by? I think I did. It was faster than the road runner, but I think I saw it. I saw it!
Reporter on the ground poo poos Olberman's questions about the city getting back to normal, the powered up hotel and the cleaning crews.
AW shucks, Keith, says the reporter. There's really a big tanker truck of diesel fuel powering the hotel, which is serving the rescue workers. The clean up "crews" are the people just taking care of the mess they are making as they do their rescue and recovery work. IT's not city-wide cleaning going down.
How sad that I am thrilled by this little piece of news. The reporters on the ground and perhaps Olberman are just refusing to run, uncommented upon, uncriticized, unchecked, the crap PR footage that's being released by the freakin' W^h^i^te^ H^o^u^s^e^ Propaganda Ministry
Did anyone else catch this? Is there any way to look into this a little further -- like find out from MSNBC if, in fact, the footage was a POS distributed by the Propaganda Ministry? Does anyone know a blogger who'd be interested enough to get the ball rolling on this. I'd like to see this one exposed - strike while the iron is hot!