[lbo-talk] Contemporary forms of female self-objectification

Charles Brown cbrown at michiganlegal.org
Sun Sep 18 08:26:11 PDT 2005

Marvin Gandall :

My wife brought the item to my attention. A much more muted and benign form of self-objectification is the tendency of many progressive feminists to wear lipstick, perfume, and dye their hair. Now I will quickly put on my helmet, because whenever Walker (yes, her first name) and I have chided left-wing women friends about this, the brickbats have quickly rained down on us. But in cyberspace, I feel safer, and it is an interesting question, no? And maybe one to pose to Ms. Levy.

^^^^^ CB: You may be underestimating the power of women in the struggle of the sexes. In the personally political, self-objectification may turn into its opposite: self-subjectification. These progressive feminists may be surfing the power waves better than first appearsl.

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