[lbo-talk] Hey Mr. bitter expat

Carl Remick carlremick at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 21 11:55:01 PDT 2005

>From: Wendy Lyon <wendy.lyon at gmail.com>
>On 9/21/05, Wojtek Sokolowski <sokol at jhu.edu> wrote:
> > I did not mean to be rude, - there is no excuse for that - but the "love
> > or leave it" trope is yet another thing that I find quite annoying. Who
> > to decide what one can or cannot say about a country?
>Personally, I don't care what you say about it, but as an expat myself
>I do wonder why you choose to remain in a place you loathe so much.

I would assume that professional obligation and sheer civic-mindedness must play some role. As a social scientist and citizen of the world, Wojtek could be considered as having a duty to bear witness to the creeping cruddiness of US society and report his findings. I for one consider it a public service to the world at large.


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