[lbo-talk] Re: Antifa Critique of German "Left Party"

Chris Doss lookoverhere1 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 23 14:31:57 PDT 2005

I'm curious as to what extent anti-Semitism still has mass demagogic appeal in Germany. I'm half-Schwabian (mother from Altensteig, near Tuebingen). I haven't spoken with any of my German relatives for a long time (note to self: contact them), but, although they are southwest German farmers/low-level proletariat by background and politically xenophobic in general (my uncle having been jailed in the 70s for beating up a Turk in a supposedly racial crime, and they are all still totally anti-immigration and have a thing against Ossies AFAIK), none of them ever said anything about Jews. My grandfather, who was a qualified Hitlerite until his death, had no venom for Jews, but lots for the US (and when his daughter married an American...you can imagine the sparks that flew!). [He was pro-USSR, in fact.]

Nu, zayats, pogodi!

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