>Like Wal-Mart, the porn industry has more cash
>lying around than Uncle Sam could ever dream of having.
I know you're exaggerating for effect, but it's not even close.
U.S. government revenues, 2005: $2.2 trillion Wal-Mart revenues, last 12 months: $298 billion porn industry, recent year: well under $10 billion
Forbes ran the numbers on porn a few years ago <http://www.forbes.com/2001/05/25/0524porn.html>. Quoting the article: "Skepticism is in order, though, because as David Klatell, associate dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism notes, '[Pornography] is an industry where they exaggerate the size of everything.' The fact is pornography, or 'adult entertainment,' is as marginal now as it ever was."