am almost shocked to read chuck o sound like a friggin democratic pol, stooping to a really silly sports comparison...
> "Would you be happy with your pro football team if they used the same
> play each game."
well, duh? if that's the only play they had, why not repeat it , endlessly?
especially since the goddam game goes on, endlessly!
as long as some part of the crowd would find that endlessly repeated play energizing, or spiritually fulfilling, or whatever good these pep rallies do...some people love them, especially those who are in the game for the first time or have not yet become, like some of us, totally disgusted with the game...
and as for real democrats, can't say i'm surprised to read nathan:
> "... with many outraged to make the trip and see their protest
> portrayed on television by ANSWER."
oh dear...i attended two national democratic conventions, and along with most others in my delegation, i was outraged to see our political experience portrayed as a glorified game show on tv, by DEMOCRATS...
> so, answer and democrats, one and the same?
actually, given that lesser evil choice, i'd take answer, any day...