"And accomplishing what? Drug gangs have recruited more people than the anarchists with their attractive, riske illegal actions, so I guess they are far more important than anyone else? The criticism of the black bloc tactics is that of course they are attractive to people. It looks like typical juvenile antics and the public treats it as such. The reason Martin Luther King Jr. et al civil disobediance was so effective is that it DIDN'T look like fun, but showed political and moral discipline that sent a strong political message." It should be added the King's CD was also successful because the folks in power (LBJ and the Democrats) actually felt the pressure from such tactics and it forced Johnson to break with the Dixiecrats. The whole move to CD early on was based to a large extent on this contradiction in the Democratic Party. I doubt Barry Goldwater or Reagan would have cared less about folks sitting down no matter how sympathetic and media savvy they were. And I don't think George Bush or Congress could care less about a bunch of very unsympathetic and unsophisticated Black Bloc children committing vandalism. In other words King had a real world strategy and purpose for his actions, as opposed to teenage nihilism pretending to be activism. --- Msg sent via VCCS WebMail