October 25, 2005 New forms of resistance, new scenarios in Argentina By Marie Trigona “Worker leave aside your tools, it’s time to struggle” Popular anarchist song from the Spanish Civil War Context and scenario Since December 2001 the forms of popular struggle have changed in a new scenario of resistance. After the political and economic crisis in 2001 and a popular uprising, many social movements began to take on a defensive position in the face of a new government grasping to recuperate legitimacy. The crisis among worker organizations deepened with President Néstor Kirchner’s government. Former caretaker president Eduardo Duhalde and current president Kirchner took on two major tactics to recuperate legitimacy: hitting workers and at the same time co-opting organizations... complete text at http://www.zmag.org/sustainers/content/2005-10/25trigona.cfm Greg Boozell gboozell@juno.com