[lbo-talk] What Does It Take to Get 5% of Americans to Act like French Protesters?

JC Helary jch.helary at free.fr
Mon Apr 3 22:57:58 PDT 2006

> The population of France is about 60 million. On 18 March, about
> 1.5 million French students and workers protested, and on 28 March,
> about 3 million of them did so. That's about 2.5-5% of the French
> population, and yet the country is already nearly ungovernable.
> So, the question is, what does it take to get 2.5-5% of Americans
> to get mad as hell and _act like French protesters_ (as opposed to
> demonstrate every six months or so, without shutting down a single
> city)?

And considering Chirac's position on the CPE, I am expecting interesting things today too starting in a few hours (3pm here now, so the demostrations etc should start in 3 to 4 hours in France ?)

Jean-Christophe Helary

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