> John Adams <jadams01 at sprynet.com> wrote:
>>> Maybe science fiction, which is where I was at twelve.
>> That's a thought.
> What about the Heinlein juveniles? "The Menace from Earth"
> leaps to mind as a teenage love story.
Those occurred to me, but I'm not sure--with the exception of "The Menace from Earth", which I didn't think of because it's in an adult collection of the same name--they're stories that would interest most girls. I'm also not sure they age all that well.
That said, my pick from those would be _The Star Beast_--Heinlein at his fuzzy-headed liberal best: Kids divorcing parents, boys having to watch out for their reputation, a bureaucrat (who longs to retire home to Kenya) for a hero, multiculturalism as a given. Ah, what could have been...