[lbo-talk] Hitchens bitch slaps the left!!!!!

ravi gadfly at exitleft.org
Fri Apr 14 20:08:50 PDT 2006

At around 15/4/06 3:28 pm, Dennis Perrin wrote:
>> If I hear one more drunk Hitchens joke, I don't know what I'm going to
>> do.
> Christopher Hitchens stumbles into a bar and orders a Johnny Walker
> Black on the rocks. Bartender says, "Say, we don't get many neocons in
> here," to which Hitchens replies, "Just keep filling the fucking glass,
> mate, and keep your Islamofascist bullshit to yourself!"

OK, my turn! My Turn! (to recycle an old one)

Having mastered all else, old Hitch decides to try the around the world in a balloon thing. All goes well until Hitch hits the bottle and after some sustained imbibing he realizes in a groggy haze that he is a bit lost, and situated mere tens of feet above land. Quick witted man that he is, he calls out to a geeky fellow on the ground:

"My good man, could you tell me where I am?".

"Sure", replies the geek, "You are in a hot air balloon".

Pissed more than ever, Hitch exclaims with a sneer, "You must be an engineer, yes?".

"Why, how did you guess?" comes the response from the geek.

"Well, I asked you a question and you gave me an accurate but utterly useless answer", Hitch explains with a smirk.

"Ah, ok", says the geek. "You must be Christopher Hitchens?", he adds.

"Wha??!", Hitch is taken aback. "How in hell did you know?!".

"Well, you are utterly lost and have no clue where you stand any longer, you are floating on hot air. But that hasn't knocked you off your cockiness one bit".


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