[lbo-talk] Prepare for Avian Terror Flu

Mitchel Cohen mitchelcohen at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 17 14:56:46 PDT 2006

The U.S. government is now planning for full martial law NOT due to "terrorism" but the projected Avian (bird) flu epidemic. An article in Easter Sunday's NY Times (of course that's when the info would be released, at a time when relatively few people would become aware or be able to focus on examining it) raises the spectre.

As I and others have been warning, by orchestrating a multi-year series of alleged "health crises" the US government has now completed putting into place -- under the radar -- a whole byzantine world of police-state apparatus under the guise of "bio-terror response" and "health care", and is likely preparing to use it this year.


Well, one reason is to enable Karl Rove to mastermind keeping the Bush-Cheney regime in power against all the numbers and the revolt of the retired generals now occurring, as well as to extend the full implementation of the Program for the New American Century (PNAC) -- i.e., continuation of empire-building, control of the world's oil supply, and extraction of incredibly huge profits for a narrow sector of global capital (while bankrupting others). Some, including me, speculate that the orchestrated Avian Flu "epidemic" will be 9-11 all over again, but on a much grander scale. (There are other possible rationales as well, commensurate with securing the interests of the sector of the ruling class in power.)

One good website that has been compiling information on the Bird Flu is http://www.legitgov.org/flu_oddities.html . We are allocating much space on the NoSpray Coalition website www.nospray.org to address these issues as well.

I am urging us all to shift a significant portion of our time to dealing with issues related to the "Pandemic" of the Avian Bird Flu, the government's lies and deceptions, and to the safety measures we're going to need to prepare. West Nile, Smallpox, Anthrax, SARS, and now Bird Flu are "political" diseases in that the panic, the response, and perhaps the micro-organisms themselves are being manipulated for political reasons, not natural ones. We need to begin NOW building the base to reject the government's coming blitzkrieg of lies on the subject, the legislation that will follow in its wake or even come beforehand on establishment of concentration (er, "quarantine" or "internment") camps, forced vaccinations, ethnic weapons, and the like.

- Mitchel Cohen coordinator, No Spray Coalition

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