> That is obviously the answer but it isn't happening, in fact the
opposite is happening.
But that it is not happening does not alter the fact that it is the answer and condemning immigrants is not.
> So, if the answer is to increase the funding - which would be
to go way beyond just stopping the cuts -- why isn't everyone
on this list doing something about that instead of allowing
people to go without?
How can you possibly know what anyone on this list is doing? Do you know what I am doing? What my husband is doing?
> It is human nature to want to protect oneself from harm. I feel
like I'm being punished on this list for giving a damn that disabled
people including myself are losing their health care -- our only
means of health care I should say since we aren't insurable by
private ins. corps.
I do not see you as being punished. I do see your positions on
immigrants being shown to be illogical and counterproductive to what you say your aims are.
> The reality on the ground is that people are being pitted against
one another because they want to survive.
The reality is that some people are allowiong themselves to be pitted one against the other. Either yo can go along with this scenario as constructed by the elite or resist it.
Finally: I forget to mention this in my last post.
As for publications, all I can say is that Yoshie offered me space in mrzine simply based on having read my posts here. I find her (and I say this not because she publishes my work) the exact kind of editor you are looking for.
I look at mrzine every day and the mix of articles is wonderful with the only guiding principle seeming to be to educate the left about the various aspects of the struggle (and also well-written, thoughtful prose). I would wager a significant amount that Yoshie would be happy to run any piece on disability that came her way if she thought it would help in some way.
In my opinion there has never been enough coverage of any of the left's struggles or accomplishments. I consider myself of the left and well-educated both formally and on my own, but I am astounded by what I have learned from the members of lbo -- things that were in a very real sense "kept" from me.
Brian Dauth Queer Buddhist Resister