[lbo-talk] Re: Dean Baker on immigration

BklynMagus magcomm at ix.netcom.com
Thu Apr 20 11:01:11 PDT 2006

Dear List:

Marta quotes David Pfieffer:

> The people in the disability movement see all of society as
the enemy.

Which is their right. But seeing the world that way has material consequences in terms of how the world responds to them.

> To use Berg's examples, capitalist and workers, corporations
and the public, the imperialists and the dispossessed, and persons in and out of the power structure all tend to loathe people with disabilities and want them out of the way.

My brother is disabled and I do not think a single member of my family wanted him out of the way. In fact, my mother lived with one fear: that because my brother was adopted and his disability was not apparent in the first weeks after his birth, the agency would take him away since there had been no discussion about my parents taking a child with special needs.

> Because of the way people with disabilities are treated, the
disability movement has no interest in joining some new broad movement.

Which is their right. But again, such a position will engender consequences: if you act stand-offish, you shouldn't complain about people not standing with you.

> Why is this pervasive dislike and oppression of people with
disabilities no perceived by people in the other movements?

Because maybe it isn't there? Lack of recognition of the needs of disabled people is not equivalent to or inspired by pervaisve dislike. It is just S.O.B. for our hyperindividualistic society. Pfeiffer's logic is crazed.

> people with disabilities are seen to have a deficit (named
their so-called disability), which makes their unjust, prejudiced treatment seem to be natural.

Guess he is a mind reader in addition to being an activist.

Brian Dauth Queer Buddhist Resister

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