[lbo-talk] Re: "Save Darfur" etc (and other responses)

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sat Apr 29 13:53:02 PDT 2006

ravi wrote:
> At around 28/4/06 5:42 pm, Doug Henwood wrote:
> >
> > I don't think the U.S. government can be trusted to do any good abroad.
> > You wouldn't hire a convicted embezzler as your investment advisor,
> > would you?
> >
> So, then, who else? Do you really think the rest of the world is pure as
> the driven snow? ;-) The U.S gets away with doing monumental harm today
> because it has the power to do so (and so would most "civilization"s).
> But for that very reason (its power) it is the best equipped and suited
> to act in a positive manner.

It doesn't matter what the rest of the world is. The U.S. must be stopped. Its interference will _always_ end up making thigs worse.

If you were someone attending his/her first meeting of BNCPJ, I wouldn't object to this. I would smile, guide the conversation to some area of opposition to u.s. policy where we could agree.

But when I see this from another poster on a declaredly leftists maillist, I am horrified. It's got to be understood among u.s. leftists that our only task is to oppose all exertion of u.s. power outside its own borders. (We'll oppose them inside to, but that's a bit more complciated.)

Mark Twain knew this a century ago. Eugene Debs knew it. I really don't see how it is so difficult to understand.

Knee-jerk anti-u.s. is the only rational left policy.


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