ravi actually used the term and it was used to sneer at those of who he (wrongly) believes sneer at hippie medicine on this list and elsewhere.
you see? it wasn't originally used to actually sneer at hippies, but to sneer at the straw opponent of homeopathic medicine.
The response, on my part, was to mock ravi's movking of me, Doug, and others because he was engaged in logical fallacy -- arguing with a straw opponent that didn't even exist in the article to which he replied.
I suppose you could say it is a way out of the double bind that such logical fallacies try to place their interlocuters in the first place. It's a sort of "isn't it nice" response that you've recommended in the past.
"yes, isn't it nice. I'm opposed to hippie medicine. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me find an argument. Oh! there isn't one there!"
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