Message: 7
>Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 13:44:26 -0700
>From: "Joseph Wanzala" <jwanzala at hotmail.com>
>Subject: RE: [lbo-talk] Noam takes on the 9/11 conspiracists
>To: lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org
>Message-ID: <BAY109-W55A1580115A999FF93274CB420 at phx.gbl>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>I wonder how conversations go between Noam and his 'conspiranoid' buddies
>such as Daniel Ellsberg, Howard Zinn and Richard Falk go? Perhaps they just
>skip the whole issue all together lest Daniel, Howard and Richard give Noam
>'flak'... While Falk and Zinn have not engaged in any specific theorizing
>themselves (Ellsberg on the other hand has
>) they have supported and endorsed the work of many especially David Ray
>Griffin and by extension the many whose work Griffin's is based upon. The
>idea that Noam is afraid of 'flak' is ridiculous. Legions of progressive
>thinker who have been fellow travellers of Noam's over the decades are
>skeptical of the official story and have expressed their opinions
>accordingly. I suspect that to the extent Noam is afraid of flak it is not
>from the so-called 'conspiranoids' who he ignores anyway, but people in the
>establishment and close-minded 'progressives' who hav!
> e resolved to stand by the neo-cons and their bogus 9-11 story to the
>bitter end.
>Elsewhere in this thread a certain Jerry Monaco has put forward a rather
>nonsensical assessment of 'conspiranoids' employing a device favored by
>those in the pro-official story camp - wherein you don't actually argue the
>points raised by those skeptical on the official story, but instead create
>intellectual parodies or caicatures of same and then have a field day
>arguing against those.
>9-11 is not a 'special' issue, it is no different than any other political
>phenomena, try thinking about it that way and drop the 'conspiranoid'
>stuff, lets just use plain English (or whatever language one chooses).
>Joe W.
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