<blockquote>As Lebanese, we do not need to be part of [international] coalitions. What we need, as Lebanese, is to meet, discuss, and solve our problems on our own. But if some insist on including Lebanon in international coalitions, which wage international wars, and if we are given two options: to join a coalitions that ranges from Beirut to Damascus, to Tehran, to Gaza, to Ramallah � or maybe we should start with Gaza... From Gaza to Beirut, to Damascus, to Tehran, to any capital in the world, to our brother Chavez in Venezuela... Or to join another coalition... Let me be clear, today we do not belong to any coalition. But if we had to choose between two coalitions, between that coalition and another coalition, which ranges from Tel Aviv to American and other countries - we will certainly be in the first coalition. <http://memritv.org/Transcript.asp?P1=1041></blockquote>
-- Yoshie <http://montages.blogspot.com/> <http://mrzine.org> <http://monthlyreview.org/>