> From: "Jim Straub" <rustbeltjacobin at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Stern: we are Americans and we don't like anybody else's
> system
> I suppose a response from me is obligatory.
Jim, I'd love to hear your response. But as far as I can see, you never mention the main question from the point of view of this list: why on earth is Stern against single-payer, seemingly on principle, even when it's easy to support -- as in California today? What on earth could be his justification? Does he have one? I can't believe he doesn't understand the issues at stake -- he's a health care expert. I can imagine he has a hidden agenda he'd rather not mention that could be justified on hard-headed self-interest grounds. But frankly, I can imagine one of those either. It's seems pure perversity. I've asked several of my pals in the SEIU office in washington, and none of them can give a good answer. If you have one, I'm all ears.