Mind you, my old Apple Laserwriter II went for well over a decade with no problem too. It could print entire documents from go to whoa without feeling the need to sabotage the entire print run if it got a bit low on toner. It would happily take up where it left off if there was a jam or something half-way through, rather than wanting to just start again like this dog. And jams were rare, not like this cheap rubbish which has virtually never been known to print a multi-page document all the way through without some kind of problem. Considering the Laswriter cost over $7,000, that's the least one would expect of course. Nevertheless, it contradicts the notion that all printers are inherently evil.
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas
At 3:30 PM -0500 30/8/06, Carrol Cox wrote:
>I've had an HP laser printer for nearly 10 years, and we've never had a
>bit of trouble with it.